Church Retreat
to Nov 12

Church Retreat

  • Verdugo Pines Bible Camp (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

You will not want to miss our annual church retreat with a special guest speaker! It is always a special and refreshing time for our church community.

Registration is open. Don't wait!

Once we meet the 50 person minimum, the following prices apply:
12+ $150
7-11 $140
4-6 $75
1-3 $37.50
Under 1 $10

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Core Group Meeting
2:00 PM14:00

Core Group Meeting

There will be a Core Group Meeting at the GLC Office at 2:00 p.m. Important matters will be presented and discussed.

Who are members of the Core Group?  Every staff member of Gospel Life Community, every leader and member of various ministry groups, every small group host, leader and member, and every one who is actively involved in any of the church activities can consider himself or herself a member of the Core Group.

Attend this upcoming meeting so you will know what's going on in Gospel Life, what the plans are, where we're headed, etc.  By attending, you will know for yourself what is discussed, what actions are taken, rather than asking someone who will give you second-hand information.

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'A Letter for You' Project
10:00 AM10:00

'A Letter for You' Project

  • Gospel Life Office and Training Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We will be packaging and providing these items to the less fortunate on the streets. COME JOIN US!!

Different ways that you can help!

**Donate Items**

Any toiletries/ survival items that are in good condition, such as, but NOT limited to:

- Miniature first aid kits
- Water bottles
- Shampoo/Conditioner
- Soap
- Socks
- Washcloth/small towel
- Toothbrush/toothpaste
- Granola bars
- Lipbalm
- Sanitary napkins/tampons
- 10-9/16 inch x 10-3/4 inch Ziploc bags (to pack the items)

**Write Letters**

- Any inspiring letter or hopeful message. 
- Provide hope for those who may no longer believe in it
- There is so much power in the word, and I am enrolling you in the possibility of being that inspiration for them
- Please put "A Letter For You" on the cover of your envelope or the front of your card

**Send a Money Donation**

If you would like to provide monetary donations, Cash, Check, Chase Quickpay or Venmo is accepted

- Check: Payable to “Cash”
- Chase Quickpay to
- Venmo to: @Stephanie-Enojado

Thank you all for your support and contribution!

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Feeding the Homeless
6:30 PM18:30

Feeding the Homeless

We will meet at St. Christopher Catholic Church in West Covina to serve the homeless in our area. Please arrive at 6:30pm sharp to receive instructions. The service is quick and well organized and we always have fun with it!

We will need extra hands to prepare and pack sack lunches to distribute at 1:30pm. Please contact Lelit Luciano or call the church office to sign up.

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Church Retreat
to Sep 11

Church Retreat

  • Verdugo Pines Bible Camp (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This year's retreat will be at Verdugo Pines Bible Camp in Wrightwood, CA. We look forward to seeing all of our GLC members and friends there for an amazing time of refreshing and fresh perspective!

Includes: 2 nights lodging, 4 meals (3 meals on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday)

Cost: $140/person

After we reach the 50 person minimum of full-paying attendees, the following discounts apply:
Ages 7-11: $130
Ages 4-6: $70
Ages 1-3: $35

Please submit a registration form and a $25 deposit, that will go toward your final total, to Joanna Alano.

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